They Are Our Mission

Our Focus

We focus entirely on children arriving in emergency shelters or safe houses and those entering the foster care system after being removed from abuse or neglect.

Austin, TX Based and Focused

For Every Child and our top initiative, HopeTotes, are based in and serve Austin, TX and its surrounding communities exclusively. Your help stays here.

60 Kids Enter Foster Care Monthly

On average, 60 children enter the foster care system each month in Travis County with little more than a small trash bag and the clothes on their back.

Heartbreaking Reality Of 1,200 Kids

It may be difficult for some of us to understand, but being removed from even an abusive home is emotional. The children are crying, afraid and confused.

Who needs a

tote of hope?

Each year, we assemble and donate as many Hope Totes as we can to children entering emergency shelters and the foster care system. Removed from abuse and neglect, these kids are alone and afraid. A small act of love delivered in a hopeful tote reminds them that someone does care.

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