For Every Child and our top initiative, HopeTotes, are based in and serve Austin, TX and its surrounding communities exclusively. Your help stays here.
On average, 60 children enter the foster care system each month in Travis County with little more than a small trash bag and the clothes on their back.
It may be difficult for some of us to understand, but being removed from even an abusive home is emotional. The children are crying, afraid and confused.
The only relationships he has known were ones of pain and fear, yet he still feels the loss when he is removed from his abusers. After all, that was the only life he knew. A homemade blanket and four days of clothes and necessities cannot heal his suffering, but it's a start.
Women and children throughout Austin bravely seek refuge in domestic abuse shelters with nothing to their names but hope. A duffel full of necessities and clothing may seem small until you have nothing.
When a child is removed from an abusive or neglectful home life, that scared kid is dropped off at a foster home or emergency shelter with a small trash bag full of their sparse belongings. That's not good enough.
A mother finds the courage to leave the violence and abuse knowing her and her precious child will have nothing. Mothers show up at emergency domestic shelters each day in Austin seeking safety and a new start. With your generosity, we do our best to help.
Many of the children entering foster care have witnessed or experienced untold violence and require far more than a clean bed. For Every Child endeavors to help these children as best we can because no child should feel unloved.
For the majority of the children we serve, basic hygenie needs have not been met. Something as small as a bar of soap does much more than remove dirt. It also removes the shame associated with not smelling good. Providing a handmade bag filled with toiletries not only enables cleanliness, it also provides each child with some dignity.
Cable Com, Inc.
Credibility International
Hamic, Previte & Sturwold, P.A
Oversight Technology
Taylor Morrison
Austin House Company
Booser, Ken
Chatham, John and Leslie
Crowe, Greg and Joan
Dell Foundation
Digitech Sales, Inc.
Generation Serve
Wassum, Jennifer
Wassum, Jerry and Mary Beth
Austin, TX 78726
© 2022 All rights reserved by For Every Child Inc. As a registered 501 (c) 3 your donation is tax-deductible.